Expert and Popularization Activity
- Activities in the field of processing of nature conservation documents – environmental projects and landscape conservation documents (TSES – territorial systems of ecological stability, LEP – landscape-ecological plans), from the field of EIA projects (Assessment of the Impact of Activities on Environment) participation in solving of objectives, reports and expertise for construction of road communications and highways, implementation of expertise on SEA projects (Strategic Assessment of Influences on Environment)
- Activities in the field of GIS and RSE (remote sensing of Earth) applications – specifying of the locality and shape of studied landscape objects and phenomena, detection and quantification of their state variables or changes, increase of the scope and effectiveness of special analyzes of spatial data, reaching the higher objectivity in the process of complex evaluation, implementation of multi-criteria analyses, statistics and modeling
- Educational activities in the field of ecology, environmental science, environmental education and teaching ecology
- Popularization of science through faculty activities “Science in the Center” and “Science Fair”