Scientific Focus
- Research of landscape changes and remote sensing of Earth – development of mapping methods of secondary landscape structure, development of remote sensing of Earth methods – interpretation of aerial and satellite images in order to observe the development of landscape, observation of processes and changes of the landscape in alpine areas
- Research of urbanized landscape – elaboration of a theory and methods of the evaluation of perception of an urbanized landscape, determining the visual quality of landscape, aesthetics, structures, health of vegetation and vegetation changes in settlement area, observation of the influence of microclimate on health of vegetation and the influence of vegetation changes on microclimate characteristic
- Research of landscape biodiversity – evaluation of biodiversity, ecology and biology of small terrestrial mammals and selected groups of invertebrates (dragonflies, spiders, mites, fleas) on representative biotopes with various levels of anthropogenic load, research of vegetation biodiversity in conditions of specific biotopes of quarries and areas disturbed by the mining activities